The Christmas Ornament

A few words to enjoy over the festive season - GN

The Christmas Ornament

The ornament hangs from every tree in every house in the country.
It lets me know if you are naughty or nice by a subtle glow.
Green for good and red for downright nasty. Amber and you are cutting a fine line.
If your kid is rude, I'll give your chimney a miss because I ain't got time for your little dude.

I've got evil elf issues and I've had to sit them on the shelf.
The reindeers are giving me stick, they've broken into the barley wine and
if they don't take off tonight I'm gonna do them a crime.

I've laid off half my staff. Online ordering has stolen my soul.
Order from them and the ornament will let me know straight up to the North pole.
Mess me about too much and my cousin Krampus will come knocking on your front door.
He is the king of chaos and will settle the score.

But, I digress I'm sure you've all been acting like the sweetest of angels.
Lost in wrapping paper and ribbons - candy canes and the act of giving.
You've no doubt already snuck a kiss under the mistletoe,
probably let carol singers fill you with Christmas cheer,
and even gobbled a scalding mince pie straight from the oven.

These are the wonderful gestures that keep me going.
That and on my return a longing snuggle with Mrs. Klaus
and even the purr of our ruddy flea-ridden kitten.

Now, before I already lament the pine-scented passing of Christmas let's get back to business.
The ornament now pulses with a strong glow. It is time to check on the reindeers and go.